Summary of the technology

The present invention relates to the use of galanin(1-15), or an analogue thereof, for use in the prevention and/or treatment of alcohol-related effects and disorders, especially the use thereof to reduce alcohol consumption.

Details of the Technology Offer

Alcohol is one of the most widely consumed drugs, being responsible for a large number of health-related problems. Despite the great socio-economic impact of alcohol consumption, effective treatments for addiction are lacking.

Recently, neuropeptides are beginning to be considered as key pieces in some neuropsychiatric diseases, among which is alcoholism, and therefore, key targets for finding new treatments.

In recent studies in animal models, the use of the Galanin fragment (1-15) is proposed as a therapy capable of producing a decrease in the voluntary consumption of alcohol as well as a great decrease in the preference for this substance. Specifically, the present invention proposes the use of Galanin (1-15) to quickly decrease the preference and consumption of alcohol in people with alcohol abuse.

Currently, there are only three drugs approved for the treatment of alcoholism, but none are indeed effective. The appearance of a new drug capable of reducing alcohol preference and consumption quickly, as demonstrated in pre-clinical studies, would be a great advantage for the treatment of alcoholism and its associated pathologies. On the other hand, the effect of Galanin (1-15) on alcoholism seems to be related to a depletion of the natural reinforcement system, its use would not only help to reduce the consumption of alcohol but also of other substances of abuse that are consumed together this.

Current development status

Experimental technologies


Prevention and/or treatment of alcohol-related effects and disorders, especially the use thereof to reduce alcohol consumption.

Desired business relationship

Patent licensing

Technology development

Other : Collaborative projects

Intellectual property status

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Medicine, Human Health
  • Medical Research
  • Neurology, Brain Research
  • Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs
  • Biology / Biotechnology
  • Applications for Health
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Medical/health
  • Other Medical/Health Related
  • Medical Health related
  • Therapeutic
  • Therapeutic services
  • Welfare technologies
  • Patient rehabilitation & training
  • Consumer related
  • Other Consumer Related (not elsewhere classified)

About Universidad de Málaga

The University of Malaga (UMA) is a public institution, which promotes outstanding research and teaching within the European Higher Education Area. UMA is one of the most dynamic and fast growing research and education institutions in Spain.

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